Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

1st Task Of Softskill ( Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

Nama : Satrio Arief Pratama P
NPM : 1A114078
Kelas : 4KA10

1. Question : Modern Humans, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, were called Homo Sapiens.
 Reason : This sentence shows the past, and “Called” is adjective phrase. If we meet adjective phrase in past tense we should use was or were before the adjective phrase.

2. Question: What year did you graduate from university?
Reason : The sentence identified as question, so the verb need to be simple, and “from” as a complementary where the graduating take place

3. Question : An iron smelting forge melts ore into usable metals.
Reason : Because the passive sentence which “melts” refer to the process from iron smelting forge into usable metals.

4. Question : They have been to US three times. 
Reason : Because the sentence using Present Perfect. “Three times” indicate that it is happen continuously, which means that sentence need “been” and “have” for plural subject.

5. Question : Mr. Postman delivers the mails to this office before 9 a.m
Reason :  The word “delivers” already indicate that it is happen continuously, so the “mails”    should be “mail”

6. Question : A friend of mine which father is the manager of company helped me to get a job
Reason : Which should be whose, because whose is use to replace a possessive adjective.

7. Question : The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other proposal.
Reason : It doesn’t need any verb when it already has a pronoun “has finished”

8.  Question : While Maria was cleaned the room her husband slept.
Reason : This sentence explain an ongoing acvtivity but there are other acvtivity that have already taken. so "cleaned" should be "cleaning" to explain ongoing activity

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