Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

1st Task Of Softskill ( Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

Nama : Satrio Arief Pratama P
NPM : 1A114078
Kelas : 4KA10

1. Question : Modern Humans, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, were called Homo Sapiens.
 Reason : This sentence shows the past, and “Called” is adjective phrase. If we meet adjective phrase in past tense we should use was or were before the adjective phrase.

2. Question: What year did you graduate from university?
Reason : The sentence identified as question, so the verb need to be simple, and “from” as a complementary where the graduating take place

3. Question : An iron smelting forge melts ore into usable metals.
Reason : Because the passive sentence which “melts” refer to the process from iron smelting forge into usable metals.

4. Question : They have been to US three times. 
Reason : Because the sentence using Present Perfect. “Three times” indicate that it is happen continuously, which means that sentence need “been” and “have” for plural subject.

5. Question : Mr. Postman delivers the mails to this office before 9 a.m
Reason :  The word “delivers” already indicate that it is happen continuously, so the “mails”    should be “mail”

6. Question : A friend of mine which father is the manager of company helped me to get a job
Reason : Which should be whose, because whose is use to replace a possessive adjective.

7. Question : The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other proposal.
Reason : It doesn’t need any verb when it already has a pronoun “has finished”

8.  Question : While Maria was cleaned the room her husband slept.
Reason : This sentence explain an ongoing acvtivity but there are other acvtivity that have already taken. so "cleaned" should be "cleaning" to explain ongoing activity

Tugas VClass Sistem Informasi Perbankan Soal dan Jawaban UTS

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